Business Building Writer Program
…Learn to Write So It Builds Your Business
Content Marketing & Content Writing for Self-Employed Professionals
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You already know that writing and publishing quality content can be a powerful business-building strategy. Relevant, useful content, not marketing copy. Content like articles, blog posts, tip sheets, ebooks. Content that helps people, inspires them, makes them think, or makes them laugh. You’ve seen bloggers, columnists, article writers, ebook publishers, and others use their writing as a springboard to business success. How do they do that? Could YOU do that? The answer is yes!
What you need is a very specific bag of tricks. You must learn how to use quality writing as a business-building tool, how to write your content so that your desired audience will want what your business offers, and how to put those elements together into a business-building plan. That’s exactly what I’m going to teach you in the Business Building Writer program. If you’ve been wondering, considering, or planning how you could use writing as a path to building a thriving business, this webinar series is for you.
Since 1992, I’ve built a thriving business with writing as one of my key marketing and promotion strategies. I’ve written hundreds of blog posts and newsletter articles, several regular columns, multiple magazine articles, numerous ebooks and special reports, and six full-length books, one of which is a long-time business bestseller. Now I’d like to share my writing, publishing, and business-building secrets with you.
Your Business Building Writer program was just what I needed right now! You shared your wealth of knowledge freely, and inspired and motivated me to get back in action with my own business writing. The lessons built on one another, and there was so much rich content and feedback to draw from… I loved all your inspiration, and how do-able you made things! Your feedback was wonderful. Things shared in Dropbox — invaluable! Oh, and all the great resources you shared…
~ Fredi Baker, Master Certified Coach
- How to write articles, blog posts, tip sheets, and ebooks that make your ideal clients want to work with you
- Where to find an endless supply of compelling topics to write about
- How to position yourself and your writing powerfully so you can attract more clients and command higher rates
- Ten different ways you can package and publish your writing, seven of which you can do in a weekend
- How to use social media and other online platforms to get your writing read and shared, without having the Internet take over your life
- Ways to re-purpose, re-package, and re-promote your writing so it keeps working for you
C.J. Hayden, MCC, CPCC
C.J. is the bestselling author of GET CLIENTS NOW!, The One-Person Marketing Plan Workbook, four other business books, and hundreds of articles and blog posts. For more than twenty-five years, she’s been coaching and training business owners to survive and thrive. Writing has been an essential component of her business success. If you’ve never taken a class with C.J., you’re in for a treat. Participants describe her as smart, responsive, authentic, and thoroughly practical.
A very practical guide to writing for your business that provides the essential practice, tools and knowledge you need to effectively use writing as a marketing tool… I took away more confidence that I have something to say, direct experience of the necessity to write on a regular basis, …how to organize my writing with an editorial calendar, and all the resources you gave us.
~ Judy Voruz, Family Addictions Counselor
- I’m not going to teach you how to write marketing copy. I’ll teach you how to write and publish useful content — informational, inspirational, or entertaining material that your ideal clients will want to read.
- This isn’t a program on how to market using other people’s content. It’s about putting your own personal experience, ideas, and creativity into words, and making those words available to your desired audience.
- You won’t have to hire a staff or become a full-time marketer to use what I teach you. Every tactic and tool I share will be tailored for solopreneurs and microbusiness owners.
- This isn’t one of those programs where you’ll get generic advice and have to figure out on your own how to apply it. You’ll get personal feedback and direction from me, based on my years of experience working with professionals like you.
- Five simple steps to write a powerful, high-quality, business-building piece (you’ll use them throughout the program)
- Tools, and techniques to make you a better — and faster — writer
- How to make maximum use of social media to promote your writing, even if you don’t have a big following (yet)
- Overcoming anxiety about people “reading your stuff”
- Avoiding business-killing mistakes that you don’t want to make with your writing
- How to get past the technical and logistical roadblocks that hold you back
This program provides really helpful, practical information with regard to writing with a focus on building one’s business. It provides the opportunity for immediate practice of what was learned and invaluable editorial feedback. It’s taken my productivity and writing to a whole new level.
~ Peg Warren, Transition Coach and Consultant
We’ll have six one-hour learning sessions over a seven-week period, which will include discussion and time for questions. You’ll have the opportunity to do actual writing during the program to try out what you are learning, and get personal feedback on your writing from me. We’ll have an online discussion group just for program participants so you can interact, share resources, and read what others are writing. Enrollment will be limited to 12 people, so you’ll get personal attention. Our sessions will be practical, interactive, and designed for skill-building. You’ll have detailed handouts for all the sessions. Plus, you’ll have an action plan to take away from the program that I’ll guide you to fill in after each session.
- A host of essential tools for the business-building writer that won’t cost you a cent extra
- Models and templates to expand your writing horizons while keeping you focused on your business goals
- Keys to writing and publishing pieces with social media and online sharing in mind
- Real life experience with writing, publishing, and promoting on a consistent basis
- Strategies to stay on track with writing projects while running your business
- How to turn your ideas about writing content for business building into a coherent, actionable plan
Bonus #2
You’ll also have immediate access to How to Attract Readers with a Compelling Title. With this mini-guide, you’ll be able to compose titles that make your target audience want to read what you write.
Bonus #3
15 Ways to Get More Readers for Your Articles and Blog Posts
And, you’ll get my mini-guide 15 Ways to Get More Readers for Your Articles and Blog Posts. There’s nothing worse than writing a great piece and having no one read it. This guide will reveal 15 different approaches to spread the word about your pieces once they are published.
The Business Building Writer program is a worthwhile investment for the writer who needs structure and accountability to launch or re-ignite their business writing efforts. C.J.’s business expertise, combined with her personal attention to each writer’s submissions, are priceless… I took away specific guidance about how to write articles that encourage people to buy…
~ Joan Friedlander, Work Life Management Specialist and Web Show Producer
The program will take place as a webinar on Zoom. You will be able to listen and ask questions, no matter where you are, by joining the session from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. If you don’t have Internet access that day, you can call in to the session from a regular landline or cell phone. I’ll share visual aids with you online, or if you are calling by phone, you can download them in advance and follow along. This easy-to-use webinar approach will give you a rich, interactive, learning experience. Each session will be recorded in case you need to miss one.
Still not sure you want to register?
See what student Karen Commins had to say!
Whenever anyone asks me how to attract clients, I always tell them to buy C.J. Hayden’s terrific book GET CLIENTS NOW! and follow her clear steps to create a personalized marketing plan.
This class is your chance to go beyond the book and actually get personal coaching from its author C.J. Hayden!
Your writing is needed in every phase of your marketing. It’s also a highly effective way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. However, you may be afraid to write or don’t know what to write that would interest your prospective clients.
In this 6-week course, you will learn answers to those questions. You’ll get writing prompts, a divide-and-conquer method of reaching your target word count, and 10 writing models that will help you focus your writing.
You will write something new each week, which helps you become a consistent writer. You will share your work within the closed and supportive confines of the class. You’ll be able to try new techniques and get valuable, actionable feedback from noted coach C.J. Hayden and your classmates. You’ll learn how to publicize your work and design an editorial calendar so you can plan out pieces in advance.
If you’ve ever thought about increasing your business through your writing, you won’t want to miss this life-enriching and results-oriented class!
~ Karen Commins, Audiobook Narrator
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