Free Marketing Plan Worksheets

Get Clients Now! BookTo use the GET CLIENTS NOW! marketing and sales system on your own or with a group, you’ll need blank copies of the Action Worksheet and Tracking Worksheet from the book to create your customized marketing plan.

To make it easy for you to get started with your personal 28-day marketing and sales program, you can download free copies of the worksheets here, in multiple formats.



Action Worksheet and Tracking Worksheet
For All Editions of the GET CLIENTS NOW! Book

Worksheets to Print and Fill Out by Hand:

GET CLIENTS NOW! Action Worksheet (PDF)

GET CLIENTS NOW! Tracking Worksheet (PDF)

Worksheets to Fill Out on Your Computer:

GET CLIENTS NOW! Action Worksheet (Word)

GET CLIENTS NOW! Tracking Worksheet (Excel)

Please note: If your browser is Chrome, you may not be able to open the above documents in Word or Excel with a click, unless Chrome is already configured to do so on your device. You can switch to another browser (Microsoft Edge, for example) or first download the documents, then open them. Download with a right-click or CTRL-click, then Save Link As.



Note to Readers of the 2nd Edition Only

The 2nd edition has the cover pictured at right.

Get Clients Now! 2nd editionIf your print copy of GET CLIENTS NOW! is from the 2nd edition’s first two printings, there is an error in the list of Daily Actions used in the completed examples for the Action Worksheet and Tracking Worksheet that appear on pages 11, 84, and 98.

You can download and print corrected versions of these examples here:

GET CLIENTS NOW! Sample Action Worksheet (PDF)

GET CLIENTS NOW! Sample Tracking Worksheet (PDF)

You can tell which edition and printing your book came from by looking at the reverse side of the title page. If the copyright date is 2007, and under “Printing number” you see “10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1” or “10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2”, your book is from the second edition’s first two printings. If the copyright date is 2013, or if the last number in the printing number sequence is anything other than “1” or “2,” you have a later printing and the error has been corrected.


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