When you think about following up, does it seem fun to you, or does it seem more like something you wish you wanted to do? It’s probably not so surprising to learn that following up is something that quite a few of us don’t love doing.

Cat playing with mouse

But what if there was a way to make it, well… funner? Here are a few ideas that can help turn around how you feel about follow-up.

Do It with Someone

Pick someone to buddy up with, and hold each other accountable. The benevolent peer pressure of someone sitting next to you as you work is magical. Their presence helps keep you focused and on task, which is great for following up.

Do It Somewhere You Enjoy Being

I’m not sure if this story is true or not, but I’ve heard that one of the ways Tony Robbins got better at making follow-up calls was by doing them in his hot tub. Where do you enjoy spending time, and how can you use that spot to make follow up easier?

Do It in Your Work Clothes

Working from home has become so common, many of us don’t put on “work” clothes anymore. Yet there’s something about dressing for the part –- it lets your mind and body know you’re serious, which is great for business.

Do It with a Reward

Rewarding yourself for getting your follow-up work done is a great way to reinforce your efforts. Being acknowledged feels good –- whether that acknowledgement comes in the form of chocolate, a kind word to yourself, or dancing around the room.

Do It with a Playlist

Having a good mix of music can put you in the right mood to get some work done. The theme from Rocky can energize you, Chopin can calm you, jazz can rearrange how you see things, and heavy metal can work out your fears. Turn on the tunes, and let the follow-up begin!

Do It with a Timer

What if you approached following up as a game of Beat the Clock? Set a timer for a specific amount of time -– 30 or 45 minutes are common. Having a time container to work in allows you to fully focus on following up, and brings fresh eyes to the task.

Do It Wearing Your Favorite Hat

OK, I know this one is silly, but wearing your favorite chapeau is certain to make you feel more lighthearted. When things feel festive, you’re more likely to have a good time doing them -– so grab your hat and get your follow-up on!

Give some of these ideas a try, and before too long following up may become one of your favorite activities.

This post was first published in 2019 and has been updated for 2024.

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