Relationship-Building with a Niche Audience
Building relationships with people in an identifiable niche is one of the most effective and reliable ways to get clients, whether that is attracting participants to group programs, selling programs in-house to businesses and organizations, or working with clients one-on-one. If you can become well-known in your market niche and gain the trust of potential clients, referral sources, and centers of influence, all aspects of your sales and marketing can become much more effortless. Here’s what we discussed in this forum:
- What is relationship-building and how is it different from marketing and selling?
- How to choose and define the best target niche in which to build relationships
- Specific techniques for using four of the GET CLIENTS NOW! marketing strategies to build relationships:
– Direct contact and follow-up
– Networking and referral building
– Public speaking
– Writing and publicity
MP3, 56 minutes, 13.1 MB
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