Business Coaching with Kristine Carey

Kristine CareyI coach tiny businesses, free agents, and the otherwise self-employed — businesses of just one person or sometimes a small team of four to ten people. My clients are seasoned business owners who are experiencing one of several things, or some combination. Maybe these sound familiar to you?

  • Your business isn’t working the way you want it to and you may not know why, or what to do about it.
  • You’d like to add something new to your business and aren’t getting any traction, or don’t know where to start.
  • You know you’re in need of more “sales and marketing,” yet don’t necessarily know what that means or where to begin.

Working together, I can help you love your business again by realigning you with what your business is about, so you can produce more of the business-y goodness you’re trying to create. Connecting the dots of the different parts of your life and business — and weaving them into a cohesive picture — is what I’m good at. I speak entrepreneurial swirly brain and can help turn a swirly brain into a vision, outline, or action plan. I’ve been called a professional cat herder because of the focus and accountability I bring.

By creating a genuine relationship with you, I am able to cajole and entice you toward inspired action (action directed toward what you want, not just action for action’s sake). I bring a level of presence — of being with you — that enables you to see things from a different perspective. Through increased self-awareness, humor, and light-heartedness, you are able to approach those things you want with new confidence, and to face things that have been holding you back with fresh courage.

More about Kristine Carey


“Kris has been an amazing coach. She not only guided to me a level of clarity that has been instrumental in achieving my goals, but also provided a role model for what I hope to achieve in my own (coaching) business. She is fun (bordering on wacky sometimes, which makes her really fun), fearless, and sharp. After talking with her for 15 minutes, you will know if Kris is the right coach for you. And if she is, consider yourself lucky.”

— Jeanne Kuntz, Coaching Wellness


Some of the ways I can help you move ahead are:

  • Addressing burnout
  • Finding solutions to things that aren’t working in your business any more
  • Looking for new ways to do business
  • Adjusting your business model
  • Defining what sales and marketing means for you, and how it can work
  • Raising your self-awareness and defining who you are and what your business is
  • Re-imagining your ideal client
  • Brainstorming
  • Creating structures and systems to support more free time, creativity, money, and fun
  • Generating ideas for new directions in your business

“Kris helped me understand my unique strengths and how to use them to help my business stand out in a competitive category. She is insightful, direct and supportive — all the things I needed in a coach. My business is functioning at a whole new level after working with Kris.”

— Cynthia Sterling, Sterling Creative Works


My clients all have several things in common: they’re kind, playful, quirky, curious, and are interested in self-development and depth of experience. They see their business and work as a way to influence others positively, and are creatively inclined.

Here are a few examples of people I’ve coached:

Mary: Wordsmith

When Mary and I met, she was working alone. The majority of her time was spent writing marketing copy for midsize corporations. She came to me asking if I could help her find a few more hours in the week to start a children’s book project.

It turned out that finding a few more hours in the week involved a circuitous path. It led to cultivating a group of writers for most of the day-to-day writing tasks, working with associates to get more visibility for the business, which led to more cash flow, which led to more time off because the other writers were carrying most of the daily workload. She also increased profits to have her second best revenue year in 20 years, redefined her ideal client, and freed up time — literal and mental — to focus on other business ideas.

She wrote the book she intended, and when we concluded she said, “Kris, I have a great business, a man who loves me, and a lady who cleans my house and does my laundry. What else does a woman need?”

Adam: General Contractor

Adam and I met when he was acting as a project manager for an old friend. The job was a stop-gap measure as he got his bearings; he and his family had recently moved from the East to the West Coast. What he wanted most was to open his own business, as he’d done several times before, yet he needed some new training and his wife was not excited about living the “entrepreneurial life.”

He spent time exploring who he was and what his business was, so he could keep the two intertwined, yet separate. He developed a vision for his business and who his ideal client was. He studied for his general contractor’s license, researched local laws and regulations about opening a contracting company, and talked often with his wife about her fears of his going out on his own. The day ultimately came for him to open his doors and leave his job, and he’s never looked back. Each year the contracts he gets are bigger, his team of skilled workers grows, and his wife now fully supports his business. Regarding his success, Adam says, “This is even better than I imagined it. And the more I do it, the better it becomes.”

Beth: Running Coach

When Beth and I met, she wanted to quit her job and develop a way of working that could support her financially as well as provide the freer lifestyle she desired. When I asked her what she’d like to do instead, she burst into tears saying, “I don’t know, but this isn’t it.”

Beth had always loved running, and it occurred to her that maybe she could make that into a business. Over the course of several years, she developed a vision and a plan. She quit her job and she and her husband moved across the country, bought a house, had a baby, and she opened a running coaching company; it was a whirlwind couple of years! She now has multiple running coaches working for her and has been featured in several high-profile publications, such as Runner’s Magazine. Her life is fun, she takes care of her family, makes a good living financially, and has plenty of time for other creative pursuits. She’s a happy woman and very satisfied with how she answered the question of what to do with herself work-wise.


“I started working with Kris when I was angry and stuck… I thought I just wanted to find another technology job. Instead, she helped me take a step back and define what was important, and what I wanted the whole mix to look like: work, family, community, health, creativity. She helped me paint a vision that I didn’t know I had: self employment (of some sort), working flexibly, from our sunny renovated attic overlooking our garden… I never would/could have done it without the vision Kris helped me create.

Today, three months into establishing my marketing consulting practice, I have two clients (one of them international), working 16-20 hours a week (just what I want)… Definitely consider Kris if you know you need to make a change, but aren’t sure what direction you want to go in, or what your end goal is. She asks the tough questions and makes you think about what’s really important.”

— Liz White, Liz White Consulting


If you’ve read this far, congratulations — chances are we may be a fit to do some coaching together! Read more to discover how I work and what I charge. I look forward to hearing from you and would be honored for us to work together. Please contact me to find out more.


Kris Carey


“…the process of working with a coach, and specifically Kristine, gave me tools that I am always going back to — knowing my strengths, understanding what makes me tick, what people see in me — that’s pretty powerful stuff and I am so grateful to Kristine for it. Not saying I don’t have fear, but I feel equipped to trust my instincts and tap my inner resources to get me the solutions I need. Additionally having the regular accountability and commitment can really make all the difference in helping you get where you want. If you want to take your business or career to the next level, Kristine is your Catalyst.”

—— Sandra Ponce de Leon, SpDL Marketing Strategies



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