The new GET CLIENTS NOW! Immersion Program
with Kristine Carey begins January 2018

Registration for the next class opens on December 11th.

Doing 10 simple things per day can bring you all the clients you’ll ever need

GET CLIENTS NOW! is a road-tested 28-day marketing and sales program used by thousands. It’s designed to help you set a specific business goal and take systematic steps to achieve it. Diving deeper into the program, as this Immersion Program does, allows you to explore what marketing activities both play to your strengths and help your business thrive. You’ll look at what really works for YOU to get clients and build your business, as well as where your sweet spot is for marketing and sales. It’s one thing to create a list of 10 marketing activities you’ll do each week for 4 weeks; it’s another entirely to have those things be activities that make your heart sing and your business thrive.

Participate from anywhere in the world — all classes take place via Zoom teleconferencing.

What You Will Learn

  • How to create a 28-day marketing program that fits you and your business
  • What really works to market a professional services business, and what doesn’t
  • Marketing approaches that “play to your strengths,” reducing your fear or self-doubt
  • Where to put your marketing effort, guided by the Universal Marketing Cycle
  • Discover the missing ingredients that have prevented your marketing from being successful
  • Break out of “analysis paralysis” and make the right choices about spending time and money on marketing
marc stewartThe genius of this plan is that it’s so comprehensive and consistent that in my experience your marketing return is so much greater than anything you’ve ever achieved. Plus, it’s your plan, you’re the boss, and you’re doing it because you want to!
— Marc Stewart, Consultant & Hair Salon Specialist

Who Takes the GET CLIENTS NOW! Program

Accountants • Attorneys • Architects • Bodyworkers • Chiropractors
Coaches • Computer Professionals • Consultants • Counselors
Designers • Engineers • Financial Advisors • Freelancers
Health Practitioners • Insurance & Investment Brokers • MLM Distributors
Photographers • Real Estate Agents • Recruiters • Salespeople
Speakers • Therapists • Trainers • Writers • YOU!

This immersion program is for you if you’re ready to “get on it,” business-wise. It’s a little intense (in a good way), a lot supportive, and with a double dose of accountability. If you have business goals you’ve been wanting to pursue, yet haven’t had the time, energy, or focus – or perhaps you’re not sure where to start – the Immersion Program is perfect for you.

Kristine Carey

Your Program is led by Kristine Carey

Director of Licensing and Training for GET CLIENTS NOW!

Nick Irons

“I owe you a million thanks. I doubled my business in twelve months using your book and program. It simply works.”
 — Nick Irons, Personal Trainer

Your Enrollment Includes:

  • Two powerful workshop sessions:
    • Session 1: How the GET CLIENTS NOW! system works to produce results quickly. What marketing strategies, tactics, tools, and goals might be best for you.
    • Session 2: Live working session, where you design your own customized 28-day marketing plan, which you can use over and over.
  • Five sessions of small group coaching to provide accountability, perspective, and support from your coach / facilitator, as well as your peers.
  • A toolkit of tested sales and marketing techniques to choose from.
  • Daily program-specific and motivational emails to keep you focused and on track.

2 hours of learning together (how GET CLIENTS NOW! delivers results)+ 2 hours of creating together (you develop a program tailor made for you)

+ 4 weeks of doing together (you & your peers taking action!)

= A Happy You & A Thriving Business

Patricia Rivera

“Not only did it provide a very methodical approach to marketing that did not require much of a budget, but it also helped us understand where we had been falling short… the program inspired us to set and meet aggressive goals… a powerful system that levels the playing field.”
Patricia Rivera, translation agency owner

Participate from anywhere in the world! All sessions take place via Zoom video conferencing. (Video connection strongly encouraged; you can also call to connect from any phone line.) All sessions are recorded in case you miss one.

Still not convinced this program is right for you? Read what Lynette Davis had to say!

Registration for the next class opens on December 11th. Want to be notified when registration opens? Sign up below!

January 24 – February 23

Laying the Foundation: Diving into the Get Clients Now! Program
Wednesday & Friday, Jan 24, 26 – 2 hours each day
9:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

Program Kickoff Session
Monday, Jan 29 – 1 hour
9:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. Pacific Time

Accountability & Coaching Sessions Fridays
Feb 2, 9 & 16 – 1 hour
9:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. Pacific Time

Final Accountability Call & Wrap Party Friday
Feb 23 – 1 hour
9:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. Pacific Time

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time

9:00 AM Los Angeles / 12:00 PM New York / 5:00 PM London

Please note daylight savings time starts on Oct 29 in the UK & Nov 5 in the US. If you’re calling in from outside the US, this will affect the times listed above; please consult to confirm the correct times in your area.

Participate from anywhere in the world! All sessions take place via Zoom video conferencing. (Video connection strongly encouraged; you can also call to connect from any phone line.) All sessions are recorded in case you miss one.

Please note:  1. The GET CLIENTS NOW! book, 3rd edition, will be used as the text for this program. If you do not already own a copy, you may add it to your order at checkout. 2. Zoom video conference is accessed via the Internet, so make sure you’re positioned in a place where your Internet connection is stable. 3. If you wish to participate by phone, the line may be a long-distance call for you. You will be responsible for any toll charges to call this line.

Questions? Contact us!

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