How Easy Can Marketing Be?

How Easy Can Marketing Be?

I often speak to groups of self-employed professionals and creatives about what works and what doesn’t to get clients. We talk about the effectiveness of active, relationship-oriented strategies like networking online and in person, building referral partnerships, speaking to groups of potential clients, and following up persistently with interested prospects.

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Persistent, Consistent Follow-Up Pays Off

Persistent, Consistent Follow-Up Pays Off

Let’s call my client Sandy. She was first referred to me by an instructor in the professional training program she was taking. (Hint #1: Develop referral partnerships with other businesses and professionals who serve your audience.) Sandy called me to inquire about becoming a client. (Hint #2: Clients who are referred to you typically result in sales conversations right away.)

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To Get More Clients, Rely on Your Strengths

To Get More Clients, Rely on Your Strengths

When you look back at what you’ve accomplished in your business so far this year, it’s natural to judge your progress and results against what you intended back in January. What frequently results from a process like this is a catalog of everything you haven’t done, or have done wrong. But I believe it’s even more important to consider what you’ve been doing right this year.

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Video: Networking During the Pandemic

Video: Networking During the Pandemic

One thing I’ve noticed regarding networking during the pandemic is how people are connecting, or more accurately, not connecting. During more “normal” times, networking had a certain forgiveness built into it. For example, if you went to a networking meeting and met several people, you’d connect with some more than others, and that would feel normal.

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How Self-Employed Professionals Can – and Should – Market During the COVID-19 Crisis: Part 3

How Self-Employed Professionals Can – and Should – Market During the COVID-19 Crisis: Part 3

What Can You Do if You Need Clients Yesterday?
In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, I shared my thoughts on Appropriate Marketing in a Time of Crisis and What Kind of Marketing is Possible Right Now? The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on many self-employed professionals has been substantial. Even if you are able to perform your usual work under safer-at-home rules, your regular clients may not need your services right now. Or, they may simply be unable to pay you.

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You Met A Bunch of People While Networking: Now What?

You Met A Bunch of People While Networking: Now What?

Meeting new people, in person, is consistently rated as one of the most effective ways to find new prospects for selling your professional services. After attending just a few networking mixers or industry meetings, you will quickly end up with a daunting collection of new contacts. But what do you do with them all?

Remember Why You Are Networking

The whole point of meeting new people is to give you a starting point for developing relationships. New contacts almost never become clients as the result of a one-time meeting.

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Advertising Doesn’t Equal Marketing

Advertising Doesn’t Equal Marketing

I asked a new client recently what he had been doing to market his professional services. “Everything,” he said. “I’ve been running pay-per-click ads online, I hired someone to write a sales letter and mailed it to a list of local companies, I have a banner ad in my professional association’s directory, I’ve even been posting flyers around town… and I still have almost no business.”

“Ah hah,” I replied, “I think we’ve uncovered your problem. You actually haven’t been marketing your business. What you have been doing is advertising.”

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