Books and Home-Study Courses


Get Clients Now!C.J. Hayden’s best-selling book has become the marketing and sales bible for thousands of consultants, coaches, self-employed professionals, and salespeople. The GET CLIENTS NOW! book provides a complete sales and marketing system that’s simple to use, immediately effective, and can be customized to any service business. It’s a marketing cookbook, filled with foolproof recipes and the essential ingredients you need to succeed. The book was completely rewritten for this new, updated edition.



Get Clients Now! Virtual Success Course

Get Clients Now! CourseSince 1999, the GET CLIENTS NOW! book and program have helped thousands of self-employed professionals learn to get clients with a simple, adaptable, highly-effective, marketing action plan. Now for the first time, our program is available as a self-study course that leads you step by step through how to design and implement our 28-day plan to get clients. If you already have the book, you need this companion course! Available as an online course you can access immediately.



Overcoming the Fear of Self-Promotion BookOvercoming the Fear of Self-Promotion

Hesitation to promote yourself as a self-employed professional, freelancer, consultant, or coach holds you back from achieving personal fulfillment and financial success. C.J.’s popular course is now available as a book! Available in paperback, PDF or Kindle.



Overcoming the Fear of Self-Promotion Home-Study Course

Overcoming the Fear of Self-PromotionIn this road-tested 8-lesson online course, you will learn to overcome fear, resistance, and the inner critic, so you can promote yourself and your business confidently. This powerful, insightful course has been taken by hundreds of self-employed professionals like you. Available as an online course you can access immediately.



The Get Clients Now!™ Companion

The Get Clients Now! CompanionFuel your business journey with these bursts of practical marketing and sales advice for self-employed professionals. For the first time, C.J. Hayden has collected fifty-two of her most popular articles, blog posts, and columns in one volume. Whether or not you’re a reader of C.J.’s original book Get Clients Now!, you’ll find a wealth of practical wisdom in these pages that you can immediately apply to your small business or private practice. Available in paperback and ebook editions.



The One-Person Marketing Plan™ Workbook

The One-Person Marketing Plan WorkbookAre you ready for the next step after GET CLIENTS NOW? With The One-Person Marketing Plan Workbook, you can create a six-month marketing plan to sustain your success. You’ll discover the answer to a crucial question: How much marketing will it take to reach your sales and revenue goals? You’ll learn how to choose the right tools and tactics for your situation and how to build a detailed marketing plan. This new 3rd edition of the workbook is available in paperback or as an ebook you can download immediately, in PDF or Kindle/Mobi format.



50 Ways Coaches Can Change the World Book

50 Ways Coaches Can Change the WorldCoaches, are you ready to change the world? Discover how you can make a valuable contribution to building a better world, starting today! Whether you are a life coach, business coach, executive coach, internal coach, or from any other coaching niche, this book will provide you with ideas, examples, and resources to make a difference. You’ll get to know your tribe — coaches who not only believe our world needs to change, but are working to change it right this moment. Available in paperback and as an ebook in multiple formats.



Person-to-Person Marketing™ Home-Study Course

Person-to-Person MarketingDo you struggle to find the right words when speaking about your business? This four-hour home-study course will help you learn exactly what to say — and how to say it — so people will want to do business with you. Do you sometimes feel resistant to marketing, and find yourself procrastinating or fearful? This course will help you overcome those obstacles and much more. Includes four 60-minute audio recordings on MP3 and a 24-page workbook.



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You've got important stuff to write. Let C.J. Hayden help you make it happen at Get It Written Day!
Get It Written Day
Join us for this one-day virtual writing retreat for self-employed pros. Work on blog posts, articles, a home-study course, or a book, with coaching and peer support.
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