How much do you schedule your business activities, especially marketing?

Working with clients over the years, I’ve seen the impact a schedule — or lack thereof — can have. The good news is that when you find a schedule that works for you, it can make a big difference in being productive, getting your marketing done regularly, and feeling on top of things.


Knowing yourself and how you like to work is the key to a successful schedule. Below are some ideas to consider as you upgrade your current schedule, or create a new one.

When do you prefer to work?

Knowing when you feel most alert, contemplative, creative, productive, etc., is the clue to creating a successful schedule. Are you a morning person or more of a night owl? Do you have a surge of activity around 4 pm, or is that better suited to nap time? Picking the right time of day for each activity you need to get done sets you up to be more successful.

For example, I have a colleague who schedules most of her appointments midday when she feels most chatty. She does writing and other low-key marketing activities in the early morning when her brain is better suited to that type of focus.

How do you prefer to work?

Do you like to work for longer focused periods, or in shorter batches with breaks to do other things? Do you prefer to work in batches, or at more of an ongoing pace?

One client I have sets aside large chunks of time where she can focus on each item until it’s complete. Another client does it the opposite way, preferring to work for shorter bursts of time and doing other things, like walk the dog, in between work sessions.

A colleague of mine has yet another tactic: he schedules his in-person marketing work, like meeting people for coffee, for certain days of the week and month. He also blocks off half and full days to spend time at his desk for other types of outreach. By using both types of scheduling, he’s increased his capacity to focus on one type of work at a time, allowing him to easily keep his commitments to himself and others.

Scheduling makes marketing easy

Give yourself the gift of reviewing your calendar, and notice how you have your days/weeks/months set up. Reflect on how well your schedule works as it is, and experiment with different ways of working until find your Goldilocks spot. Then, let the marketing fun begin!

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