To lay a good foundation for your marketing and your business, you need essential tools and skills. In the Get Clients Now! program, we call these elements Success Ingredients. These are fundamentals that will make your marketing easier, and ensure your business is around for the long run.


Below are three different types of Success Ingredients. Having these elements in place will make your marketing activities more effective, leading to more clients and more overall business success.

1. Description of Services. A clear, specific description of the features, benefits, structure, and cost of the primary services you will feature in your marketing.

When you’re talking with potential clients or referral partners, it’s important to know how to describe what you do in a way they can understand. Avoid using jargon, opting instead for clear, specific language anyone can understand. Don’t assume people will know what you mean; spell out exactly what you do, how it can help them, and what it will cost. It’s also helpful to give an example of a client you’ve worked with who is similar to them; this enables them to see themselves working with you.

Here’s an example of how you might describe your services:

I work with solo entrepreneurs, helping them identify their marketing sweet spot. We look at what marketing strategies work best for them, and how to use them effectively. This allows them to be more strategic in the way they promote themselves, and achieve better results. The way I do this is by meeting twice a month via conference call, for an hour each time, and using each meeting to build on the success of the last one. The cost for this is $500 per month. We can begin right away, and wrap up at any time we feel the work is complete. Let me give you an example of a client I worked with recently….

2. Self-Confidence Skills. A higher level of confidence, and key self-confidence tools to help you overcome fear, resistance, and self-doubt when marketing yourself.

Self-confidence is one of those things you can see and feel in another person. When you radiate self-confidence, you become a client magnet. People are attracted to you as a person, which makes them naturally curious about what you do. When you’re new to marketing, or are trying out something new, it can feel vulnerable to talk about yourself and your work. This shows up in your language and how you hold your body, and makes it hard to get clients. Self-confidence can go a long way toward landing clients, because it gives them enough confidence in you to say yes to your services.

Here’s an example of a confident vs. non-confident person:

Imagine two people at a networking event. One person is standing up straight; the other is slouching. When you approach them to talk, the first person gives you a firm handshake, looks you in the eye, and says hello. The other shakes your hand loosely, doesn’t hold your gaze as long, and speaks more softly. When they describe what they do, the first person shares her work with enthusiasm, clarity, and gives you a sense that she can help you. The second person describes what he does and how he can help you, yet he doesn’t seem to embody what he’s saying, almost as if he doesn’t quite believe it himself. It’s likely the first person is getting more clients than the second. Confidence is contagious, and very attractive.

3. Competitive Research. Information about the competition that enables you to better compete by emulating what works and improving on what doesn’t.

When you’re in business for yourself, it’s important to know what others like you are offering, how they work, and what their prices are. The more you understand about how others in your field operate, the more you can find your sweet spot and distinguish yourself from the crowd. While I’m not advocating that you become aggressively competitive, it is a good idea to know what’s in the marketplace so you can position yourself where you’d like to be. Then you can contrast yourself with others when talking with a potential client.

Here’s an example of how to do this research:

Check out the websites of others in your profession. If you work locally, look up those in your geographic region. If you work nationally or internationally, look up those in key areas where you’d like to focus. Keep track of the websites you’ve visited, and make notes on key aspects:

  • how your competitors do their work
  • what type of language they use
  • how they make a sales offer
  • do they have a complimentary giveaway
  • do they list their prices and what are they charging
  • do they have a blog, podcast, or videos

You might even sign up for your competitors’ mailing lists, to learn more about how they get clients.

Putting these three elements together will greatly increase your chances of showing up as a successful business owner, one who easily markets him or herself and lands clients. Pick a Success Ingredient like this to focus on today, and see what a difference it can make!

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