It’s happened to the best of us: you had good intentions of getting started early, of finishing before the deadline, of easing into the task, yet there you are, last minute, wondering how you can get things done, pronto.

This may be a familiar scenario with regards to your to-do list, but what if it happens to your marketing? Marketing can’t happen that fast, can it?

You really meant to publish your newsletter monthly, to schedule regular coffee dates with referral partners, to sit down and learn how to utilize Twitter to best build your mailing list. And yet, here you are, with these marketing tasks undone and your deadline looming.

The good news is marketing can be done on a deadline. It just takes a bit of clarity and perspective. When you’re in a pinch, here are a few tips and tricks to get you back on track!

Ask Yourself if the Deadline Matters
There’s no sense doing a lot of last-minute work if it’s not necessary. Remember that what often seems urgent, isn’t, and what’s really important can be easy to overlook.

Know What You’re After
If you’re not clear about what results you’re trying to produce, it won’t matter what kind of marketing you do or how well you do it. Clarity is the key to success.

Do Things That Are Closest to the Money
Think about marketing strategies such as coffee, phone calls, and personal emails, all of which are closest to people. The closer to the people, the closer to the money.

Pick Things You Know Work
Go back to the tried-and-true things that have worked for you in the past, especially those you enjoyed the most. This will help you feel motivated and expect success.

Hire Help
If marketing just isn’t your thing, get someone else to do it. It’s not cheating to have someone who’s better at it do the work for you; that’s called knowing your strengths.

Next time you’re up against a deadline, let these simple and effective suggestions get you moving –- you’ll be done in a flash!

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