Maybe this sounds familiar: you’re staring at your marketing to-do list, fully aware of how important it is to get things planned and executed, and yet getting started feels hard.

Trust me, I’ve been there, too.

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The good news is, there is a way to make getting your marketing done easier on yourself. Below are three ideas for you to experiment with.

Small But Mighty

While it can be difficult to get moving, even the tiniest of steps makes a difference when you’re feeling stuck, unmotivated, or overwhelmed. Your inner voice may be telling you that the next move you make has to be big and bold, yet it’s the tiny things that add up to tremendous change over time. Taking any kind of step creates momentum, and provides the possibility for continued movement.

Recall Past Marketing Successes

Remember that time you made a follow-up call and the client hired you? Or the time you asked for a referral and got one? And what about the time you sent out a newsletter with an amazing offer and people took you up on it? Recalling past successful efforts reminds you that this marketing stuff really does work, so pick several things you’ve done in the past, and let them spur you on.

Just One Thing

Looking at your entire list of marketing activities at once can seem daunting. Instead, focus on just one thing. You don’t climb a mountain in one go, or build a house in a day; it’s too overwhelming, and your marketing is no different. Pick only one thing to start with –- the smaller the better –- and shut out all the other activities. When you do one thing fully, things flow a lot more easily.


Marketing is necessary if you want to stay in business, and staying in business is the only way you can make money and meaning for you and your clients. Take a peek at your marketing plan, set aside time to play with these tactics, and notice how good it feels being in action. Take the tiniest of steps. Remember what works. Focus on one thing. And applaud yourself for making marketing that much easier on yourself.

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